The Emergenetics

When you use Emergenetics, you know that you can rely on the psychometrics behind our tools and programs. That’s because Dr. Geil Browning and Dr. Wendell Williams developed the Emergenetics tool after years of extensive research. The 100-item questionnaire is the product of rigorous research proven to reliably capture seven fundamental thinking and behavioral preferences. Developed through years of psychometric research, the Emergenetics Profile accurately measures three behavioral attributes (Expressiveness, Assertiveness, Flexibility) and four thinking attributes (Analytical, Structural, Social, Conceptual). The attributes are represented in a clear, color-coded report, making it memorable and applicable immediately.

The Science Behind the Emergenetics Profile

  • Meets Standards for Educational and Psychological Testing
  • Uses Likert Scale (not forced choice) to measure intensity
  • Strong validity and reliability, including test-retest data
  • Regular data norming to ensure consistency and accuracy

For more details about our science HERE.

To Take a Profile… CLICK HERE.